About the tax credit: How would 250.00 suppose to satisfy me and make me happy when the grocery tax that I am end up paying per year is more than that amount? It feels almost like I am being compensated with a lollipop for being a good citizen by sacrificing my hard earned money just so the politicians pockets keeps inflating.
In the end the only new money that can be considered is the estimated $100 million generated by the 10 dispensaries in Ontario, Oregon but sold to Idahoans.
If someone else has identified $100 million windfall for Idaho please share it with the legislature.
Thanks for the update on the grocery tax repeal. It's worth emailing David Cannon and Jason Monks of the House tax and revenue committee in support of the REPEAL and ask them to reject H61 (tax credit increase).
About the tax credit: How would 250.00 suppose to satisfy me and make me happy when the grocery tax that I am end up paying per year is more than that amount? It feels almost like I am being compensated with a lollipop for being a good citizen by sacrificing my hard earned money just so the politicians pockets keeps inflating.
Thanks for your hard work! Taxing groceries is an immoral and greedy thing for a government to do. Tax repeal is the right way to go.
Idaho is one only 13 states that have grocery tax. At 6% Idaho is one of the highest tax.
A family could add more groceries to thier cart. ie: tax on $100 could buy 2 gallons of milk possibly.
The idea of claiming a refund is ludicrous. We definitely need to rein in the state spending. Funds are not being spent wisely.
In the end the only new money that can be considered is the estimated $100 million generated by the 10 dispensaries in Ontario, Oregon but sold to Idahoans.
If someone else has identified $100 million windfall for Idaho please share it with the legislature.
Thanks for the update on the grocery tax repeal. It's worth emailing David Cannon and Jason Monks of the House tax and revenue committee in support of the REPEAL and ask them to reject H61 (tax credit increase).