I'm a simple man with simple thoughts. Why can't we budget Idaho's government based on last year's income instead of some "projection" which is simply a guess? Then, if revenue increases, bank it in a "rainy day" fund.
Sen. Zuiderveld, we’re so happy you’re doing this very dirty and thankless (not to mention boring for most) job of scrutinizing Idaho’s budget. Yours is a heavy lift, and we greatly appreciate what you are doing.
Let’s simplify all of this. Let’s ask JFAC to go over every department’s budget, line by line. Ask the questions:
1. Is this the proper role of government?
2. Is this mandated by Idaho’s constitution?
3. Is this mandated by Idaho’s current laws?
4. Is this funded by federal money?
If the answer is NO to #1 or #2 above, the line item goes away — poof 💨 — problem solved, money saved.
If the answer is NO to #1 and #2 but YES to #3, we may need to consider changing the Idaho laws.
And if the answer is YES to #4, we need to give the federal dollars back and say “Thanks, but no thanks.” Why should Missouri taxpayers pay for Idaho’s Medicaid recipients (for example)?
Once we’ve gotten rid of the unwarranted items, and only then, should any budget requests proceed. It shouldn’t matter whether we’re in good times or bad. If government is not operating within its lane, it needs to get back into line. (Yes, many people will cry about lost government jobs and programs, but this cost cutting must be done for the future of ALL people in our state.)
BTW — If people haven’t watched your interview with Greg Pruett yet, I highly recommend it.
The grocery tax is for some folks, the only tax they pay. All citizens should pay something for all the benefits provided through taxation. A sales tax assures this and is a tax that can be assessed by the one who does the purchase…..if you can’t afford it, don’t buy it. Property tax is the most unjust form of taxation, assessments fluctuate according to ever changing methods and whims. It has become another factor to discourage home ownership. Poor young people!
Totally agree with you about stemming the tide. It's a HUGE JOB.
Idaho is following the example of California, where we used to live until 2004. That state can be an example of what NOT to do. In 2000, the total State, Federal and municipal employees, plus all those on the dole in the State were OVER 50% of the voting population. That's when we decided we had to get out. Those people will NEVER vote against the hand that feeds them and that is precisely why they have been employed. Just look at the Democrat leadership over the years. They ALWAYS INCREASE GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES. It is intentional. That needs to stop.
The Grocery TAX is a good start, but perhaps there needs to be a moratorium on new hires for ALL State jobs and ALL bureaucracies. Additionally, DO NOT ALLOW jobs of those who retire to be filled. Let attrition work for the State. There must be many ways to CUT, CUT CUT the ever-growing Idaho State Budget!
Thank you for working hard on this issue. We appreciate it so much.
According to the bottom line of the projection sheet there is going to be $222, million left over!
This is a clear indication there is over taxation.m Government does not exist to make a prophet. Dedicate a rainy day fund and return the rest then cut all taxes… sales and property, are the most meaningful.
I would think that how many votes are at risk you have campaigned to do what's right. Those government employees work for us and they shouldn't get any more of a raise than we did. 2.5%. They don't like it they can seek other employment. You're there to keep our ballooning costs down. Stay the course as there are a lot more of us supporting the changes than those wanting more from the government. Thanks, Steve
I'm a simple man with simple thoughts. Why can't we budget Idaho's government based on last year's income instead of some "projection" which is simply a guess? Then, if revenue increases, bank it in a "rainy day" fund.
You can’t leave money in a “rainy day” fund. It will always rain somewhere.
Sen. Zuiderveld, we’re so happy you’re doing this very dirty and thankless (not to mention boring for most) job of scrutinizing Idaho’s budget. Yours is a heavy lift, and we greatly appreciate what you are doing.
Let’s simplify all of this. Let’s ask JFAC to go over every department’s budget, line by line. Ask the questions:
1. Is this the proper role of government?
2. Is this mandated by Idaho’s constitution?
3. Is this mandated by Idaho’s current laws?
4. Is this funded by federal money?
If the answer is NO to #1 or #2 above, the line item goes away — poof 💨 — problem solved, money saved.
If the answer is NO to #1 and #2 but YES to #3, we may need to consider changing the Idaho laws.
And if the answer is YES to #4, we need to give the federal dollars back and say “Thanks, but no thanks.” Why should Missouri taxpayers pay for Idaho’s Medicaid recipients (for example)?
Once we’ve gotten rid of the unwarranted items, and only then, should any budget requests proceed. It shouldn’t matter whether we’re in good times or bad. If government is not operating within its lane, it needs to get back into line. (Yes, many people will cry about lost government jobs and programs, but this cost cutting must be done for the future of ALL people in our state.)
BTW — If people haven’t watched your interview with Greg Pruett yet, I highly recommend it.
The grocery tax is for some folks, the only tax they pay. All citizens should pay something for all the benefits provided through taxation. A sales tax assures this and is a tax that can be assessed by the one who does the purchase…..if you can’t afford it, don’t buy it. Property tax is the most unjust form of taxation, assessments fluctuate according to ever changing methods and whims. It has become another factor to discourage home ownership. Poor young people!
Totally agree with you about stemming the tide. It's a HUGE JOB.
Idaho is following the example of California, where we used to live until 2004. That state can be an example of what NOT to do. In 2000, the total State, Federal and municipal employees, plus all those on the dole in the State were OVER 50% of the voting population. That's when we decided we had to get out. Those people will NEVER vote against the hand that feeds them and that is precisely why they have been employed. Just look at the Democrat leadership over the years. They ALWAYS INCREASE GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES. It is intentional. That needs to stop.
The Grocery TAX is a good start, but perhaps there needs to be a moratorium on new hires for ALL State jobs and ALL bureaucracies. Additionally, DO NOT ALLOW jobs of those who retire to be filled. Let attrition work for the State. There must be many ways to CUT, CUT CUT the ever-growing Idaho State Budget!
Thank you for working hard on this issue. We appreciate it so much.
According to the bottom line of the projection sheet there is going to be $222, million left over!
This is a clear indication there is over taxation.m Government does not exist to make a prophet. Dedicate a rainy day fund and return the rest then cut all taxes… sales and property, are the most meaningful.
I would think that how many votes are at risk you have campaigned to do what's right. Those government employees work for us and they shouldn't get any more of a raise than we did. 2.5%. They don't like it they can seek other employment. You're there to keep our ballooning costs down. Stay the course as there are a lot more of us supporting the changes than those wanting more from the government. Thanks, Steve