What's happening to Idaho truly is a Gem State Heist and a heartbreaking travesty. Videos about more such heists are here (short link): https://tinyurl.com/44c3j9an

You hit the nail straight on the head when you said there's "an agenda on how they plan to retake the Republican Party from grassroots citizens who genuinely want to work for their precincts rather than for special interests." This is true for every level of elected offices in the state. Fortunately, the grassroots held on in many places -- but for how long? We all must work together to preserve and Keep Idaho IDAHO.

The lust for power, money, and control is immense. As I see it, the grassroots simply wants to preserve the reasonable conservative values of the Idaho Republican Platform (https://www.idgop.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/2020-Updated-Idaho-GOP-Platform.pdf). Its preamble begins as follows:

"We believe the strength of our nation lies with our faith and reliance on God our Creator, the individual, and the family; and that each person's dignity, freedom, ability and responsibility must be honored."

Right wing extremist values? I think not!

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Sounds almost identical to what was witnessed in Bonneville's reorganization meeting.

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Great overview thank you!

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Excellent as always, you are the best ever Senator!!!

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