I believe H0406 should be defeated, not because I’m soft on drugs: I’m not. However, I’m a strong supporter of constitutional separation of powers, individual rights, and the obligation of law enforcement and the judiciary to provide even handed justice (not formulaic justice), employ independent thinking, and take responsibility for decisions they make regarding defendants. Otherwise, you end up with the same kind of cabal that controls our current medical system in which doctors must adhere to the “standards” dictated from above, are stripped of their decision making abilities, and PENALIZED severely if they deviate from the narrative.
Thank you for your report. Always appreciated!
RE: H0406 Fentanyl minimum sentencing input for you:
You can find an excellent article from Brian Almon of Gem State Substack along with some important comments, linked below.
* Gem State: https://gemstate.substack.com/p/are-good-intentions-enough
* Gem State Comments: https://open.substack.com/pub/gemstate/p/are-good-intentions-enough?r=14nzxn&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&comments=true
I believe H0406 should be defeated, not because I’m soft on drugs: I’m not. However, I’m a strong supporter of constitutional separation of powers, individual rights, and the obligation of law enforcement and the judiciary to provide even handed justice (not formulaic justice), employ independent thinking, and take responsibility for decisions they make regarding defendants. Otherwise, you end up with the same kind of cabal that controls our current medical system in which doctors must adhere to the “standards” dictated from above, are stripped of their decision making abilities, and PENALIZED severely if they deviate from the narrative.
More thoughts in the Gem State comments here: https://gemstate.substack.com/p/are-good-intentions-enough/comment/47777672
Thank you for all that you do for the people!
Congratulations on your award Tom!
Thank you for keeping us updated.