Amen! Send the feds home. Get out of our state! We don't want you here. Defend the border and deport the illegals.

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I agree, and you covered all bases.

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IDWR should also account for their excessive cloud seeding experimentation funds. $7 million a year for a project that has no liability, little transparency, and no public notification. Millions that could have been spent on better water management for these farmers rather than risky experiments like seeding with liquid propane.


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So, it looks like the only thing the government cares about is the $$ "tax revenue" this project will generate. How much "tax revenue" will the state lose when all the farmers water is cut off and when our aquifer collapses due to the weight of these wind farms? How much "tax revenue" will the gov't lose when all the tourism ceases in Idaho due to the wind farms? Betting that the feds don't care one spittle what happens to Idaho's economy, they just want to make sure their buddies in the big cities have power and destroy our economy to boot.

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Oops, I clicked the wrong button on the poll. Of course I am outraged by the Lava Ridge assault on Idaho. I hope the local sheriff can intervene. The feds are trespassing while our elected officials send "stern letters" of objection!

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7

More information from Lava Ridge project manager, Kasey Prestwich:

If a project is approved Magic Valley Energy would be required to proceed through IDWR's process for leasing, transferring, or any other action needed to legally use the water that is required for the project. Obtaining the legal use of water through IDWR would be one of many terms and conditions that would be required to be met prior to the BLM providing Magic Valley Energy a notice to proceed with construction.

Also included in their response to what evaluation has been completed between project advisors and IDWR were the links to the hydro geology study which states:

Many types of wells are included in the IDWR well records including: domestic, domestic – single residence, injection, commercial, power, irrigation, stock water, test, municipal, public water supply, industrial, and other. Most wells are domestic and have a 6-inch diameter steel… However, the search result output does not provide details of well construction such as depth of the steel casing below ground, where groundwater enters the well (screen interval or well bottom), or other well construction information. Consequently, well construction details were not evaluated for this report.

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We need to keep the Feds (EPA and BLM) out of Idaho. Even Gov Little commented on IDWR's ability to manage our water resources without federal input. Remember when the Fed agencies moved into California controlling water resources, they ruined farmland and created drought and fires! -- this was done on purpose. Idaho needs to remain a sovereign state and keep the Feds greedy hands off.

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The pole is confusing. I am fully against Lava and fully for the farmers. Both are important to me

We need to STOP this giant project from being built over our aquifer. This is critical for all of southern Idaho.

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I am confused, how does Lava Ridge take water from farmers? Im against lave ridge, btw. Honestly don't know anyone who is, at least in my circles. Our farmers shouldn't have access to Their water restricted!

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It will use millions of ground water not to mention there is no guarantee it will not harm our aquifer where the ground water comes from. Why would we proceed with a project that will compete for our water.

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Hi Glenneda, thank you for taking my call earlier! It really helped me understand where the water use is coming from; concrete production and road watering as primary culprits. As a former dispatcher for a local (magic valley) concrete company, i can attest to the amount of water that goes into each 10yd load in the mixer trucks. Your comments about the requred blasting for each wind turbine is interesting; we truly don't know what it will or won't do to the aquifers. Regardless, the farmers come first! Without farmers we don't eat! That is a local problem that these out-of-entities don't care/ think about.

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Glenneda: I'm a scientist (physicist) who is a national energy expert. I've worked with good people from Idaho before. See my document for potentially over a dozen major local liabilities for an industrial wind project <https://bc2ecb.p3cdn1.secureserver.net/Energy/Wind_Economics/Wind_Energy_Economics_101.pdf>.

One of them says "Studies from independent experts have concluded that there can be serious hydro-geological consequences from wind projects. Here is a sample study done in Vermont <https://vermontersforacleanenvironment.wordpress.com/2016/08/05/vces-investigation-into-the-environmental-health-of-the-lowell-mountains-with-industrial-wind-turbines-july-2016/>.

Here’s another example of a Hydro-Geological Study near a proposed wind project <https://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Timbermill/Hydrogeological_Assessment.pdf>.

FYI, contrary to the government's main argument, Industrial wind energy is a net liability regarding climate change: <https://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Wind_Other/Wind_&_AGW_Full.pdf>.

I hope that the good citizens of Idaho are paying attention to ALL of the potential serious liabilities for industrial wind energy.

PS — I have a free Substack on Critical Thinking, and have written about wind energy multiple times, e.g. <https://criticallythinking.substack.com/p/wind-turbines-enormous-unintended>.

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Labrador Announces FAA Appeal on Lava Ridge Project - Gem State Chronicle


From the first paragraph…

“Attorney General Raúl Labrador announced an administrative appeal yesterday with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The appeal asks the agency to reconsider its determinations that the Lava Ridge project, a proposed wind turbine development on Bureau of Land Management property in Idaho’s Magic Valley, poses “no hazard” to aviation in the area. The vast majority of any power generated at Lava Ridge would be sent to California, and the project would place hundreds of wind turbines on federal lands adjacent to irrigated farms and local airports. The wind turbines would be among the tallest, if not the tallest, in the United States, and pose an obvious hazard to local aircraft and airports, and especially to agricultural aviation operations (commonly called “crop dusting”)…”

Let’s hope he is successful in appealing this disastrous plan.

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Sen. Glenneda Z and readers:

You may be interested in "Commercial Fishing and Offshore Wind with Bonnie Brady" (06/16/24, podcast 47 min): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rfk-jr-podcast/id1552000243

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. talks with the Executive Director of the Long Island Commercial Fishing Association, Bonnie Brady, who deeply understands and is concerned about the impact of commercial fishing and offshore wind energy projects on the ocean, coastal communities, and domestic food production.

While the discussion focuses on offshore wind projects, it’s also relevant (and briefly touches upon) land-based wind projects.

[Lava Ridge is one such land-based wind project in Idaho that is being forced upon a state that does not want it.]

See also Note at: https://substack.com/profile/68304299-big-e/note/c-61197953

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

I am willing to pay higher taxes to support locally IF it means BLM and like agencies are kicked out of our state completely! We The People Must stand up for Our GOD given Rights IF we want them to continue. No one is going to just do it for us.

I'm not an organizer, but I will be there. What is the plan to fight all this?

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