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Well done, Glenneda! I've been trying to figure out how to get through to voters who favor this abominable, Communist-style Proposition 1 (thank you for providing that key piece of information).

I've put together a page that gathers all the material I've found so far including your article (https://eolson47.substack.com/p/jungle-primaries-and-ranked-choice).

I've written notes on Substack (e.g., https://substack.com/@bige47/note/c-72543352). I've talked with people (including some Republicans who favor this mess!). I've written voter guides (https://eolson47.substack.com/p/idaho-voting-guide-updated-91423).

I still don't know whether we're getting through!

Thanks to you and the AG for your continuing efforts to keep Idaho elections clean. It's astonishing to me how little research voters do before they vote. And how apathetic the non-voters are. If Prop 1 goes through, conservative leaders will become as rare as dodo birds and we'll all be apathetic because our voices will be silenced forever.

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