It is unfortunate when some don’t or will not care to comprehend correct legal wording. Nor will they listen to solid reasoning for specific language which adheres to the Constitution.

Repeatedly, when their special interest organization rates a bill negative, nothing matters but opposing the bill.

Their “fix” is the real poison in an effort to fool the public.

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You are doing a lot of assuming. You had an opportunity to work with us and you declined. You didn't listen to your co-sponsor Sen. Trakel when he explained to you the issues. You should have respected his input.

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Thank you for this interesting approach to analyzing a bill's recipe.

Another good commentary about H613 is here: Misfire: When Good Ideas get Lost in a Badly Written Law. We prefer to keep good bills alive and improve them with friendly amendments, but it depends on sponsor cooperation. IDAHO FREEDOM CAUCUS (03/21/24): https://open.substack.com/pub/idahofreedomcaucus/p/misfire-when-good-ideas-get-lost?r=14nzxn&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

This article brings to mind several questions. I'm hoping someone can answer:

1. How many votes are taken in haste without time to properly analyze a bill? A few? Many?

2. How many legislators vote for bills that are "mostly good" but contain enough "poison" (or perhaps salt instead of sugar in the recipe) to make Idaho and Idahoans sick down the road?

3. How often are legislation and votes influenced by pressure from lobbyists and donors?

4. How do we reduce the number of competing bills and get legislators working together to craft the best bills? The "my bill" mentality should be replaced by "our bill" with the best hearts and minds contributing.

5. How do we create bills that truly follow the Party platform of the sponsor? So, in the case of "Republicans," bills that promote small government, benefit taxpayers now and for generations to come, and adhere to the US and Idaho constitutions. (Republican Platform: https://idgop.org/party-resources/)

6. How much influence to constituent letters have on legislator votes? I've written many and encouraged others to do so, but the effects appear to be minimal. Is it worth the considerable time I pour into these efforts?

For anyone interested, I created and regularly update a voting guide with resources and tools to help voters make informed decisions and to understand the importance of voting in the PRIMARIES (by the General, the choices are made already). I set up this guide after moving to Idaho in late 2021 to assist my own learning process. I hope it can help others:


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