Thank you, Glenneda Zuiderveld, for your honesty and integrity. This quote turned me into a paid subscriber:

"What's next? I honestly don't know. But what I do know is this: I will not compromise my principles. I will do my very best to be open and transparent. I know who elected me and who I work for, and that is you, the people. "

Glenneda Z is my kind of gal! Always stay true to your principles and you will do well.

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Glenneda this is typical politics and unfortunately politics is not government. When politics is treated like a semi-private corporate club, this is what we get. You chose government over politics which will reward you in future.

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It also will reward we the people! Thank you Bonnie Carter for noting this distinction.

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Thx for the open and honest candor. So sorry to learn of this, especially on the heels of election and GOP convention victories. Yet, I'm equally encouraged to see you, once again, stand by (and alone, if need be) your principles for which you were elected. I hope your departure is a wakeup call to IFC.

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I support YOU Glenn, 100%. Watch out for those "slings and arrows."

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Glenneda! Bravo for your decision backed by valid fundamentals that I totally agree with. Well I agree with you, I have in 2024 started to sway from identifying with a group, even if they match many of my values. I am a sovereign individual, and when we associate or identify with a group like IFC, I don’t want to feel pressured to adopt every single value. Therefore, I will admire them for their values, but I am not identifying with prescribed beliefs and values. So we are birds of a feather Glenetta and I so appreciate your candor on this topic.!

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Thank you for your transparency.

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A lot of times, women will talk about personal stuff out in the open when it might be better kept quiet. There’s no need to air all that dirty laundry for everyone to see. Sometimes it’s just better to walk away without making a scene or bad-mouthing anyone.

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