"How you campaign is how you will govern," a constituent told me after sharing incidents of stolen signs, lies in commercials, and deceit about bills and how the process works. How true that statement is
How did I campaign? I worked non-stop, attending meet-and-greets and events, making phone calls, organizing volunteers, knocking on doors, putting out signs, and raising money. How will I govern? I will work hard and fight even harder for you because I love you, and I love our Idahome.
The day before Election Day, I am relieved it is finally here. I started working on this job interview (campaign) before the legislative session ended, and I haven’t stopped, forging toward the finish line and running through the tape with all I have in me. My favorite part of this journey that God has put me on is all the people I have met who have encouraged me, defended me, worked alongside me, loved me, and prayed for me. I will always carry the memories with me. Even the trials have blessed me, because they taught me to overcome, rise above, forgive, and learn, which has made me stronger. I made a slideshow to share some of my journey with you all, letting you see through my eyes.
Who will District 24 hire to be their next Senator? I would be honored to work for you for the next two years. I will continue to expose corruption wherever it is detected. I will be transparent and engage with you to the best of my ability. I will continue to question the government agencies appointed by the Governor, ensuring they are accountable to you, the people, for the decisions they make with your tax dollars and liberties. Yes, I will continue to be the people’s lobbyist, fighting for your individual freedoms over special interest groups and being the Governor’s yes man.
Things to think about as you go to the polls.
I carried the strongest border protection memorial HJM11that sent a strong message to congress. It failed the House in a tied vote.
My fellow coworkers in Districts 24, 25, and 26 voted against it and were absent. Additionally, the Idaho Dairyman’s Association, the Farm Bureau Federation, and the Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry lobbied against it.
I have been selected to be an alternate delegate for Trump at the National Convention this summer.
I also carried…
H597 that amends existing law to allow students of majority age to submit a signed statement for exemption from immunizations requirements.
H179 that adds to existing law to prohibit the use of ranked choice voting in Idaho.
I voted for…
S1252 Defend the Guard, The men and women in the Idaho National Guard must not be called into active duty combat operations on foreign soil unless there has been a congressional declaration of war. This legislation does not impact the Governor's ability to mobilize the Idaho Guard as outlined in article 4, section 4 of the Idaho Constitution.
S1411 Appropriation for Dept of Water.
I will leave you with this: Idaho's budget has increased 52 percent in the last 5 years. We are currently at $13.9 billion, with 43 percent of that dependent on the indebted federal government. Every dollar we take from the federal government means we lose local control. When the debt is called due, how will Idaho pay its $13.9 billion budget with 43 percent gone? Additionally, when we vote no on an appropriations bill, it does not defund anything. Idaho does not have a line-item veto on appropriations; we must vote yes or no. A no vote means take it back and rework it; it doesn’t mean it is defunded. I want to give you all a tax break, but how can I do that when we keep increasing government and spending? We need to start cutting the waste and tightening our belts if we are going to survive the economic collapse that is headed for America.
Any questions before you go to the polls please call me at 208-280-0716.