Week One
January 8, 2024, the Second Regular Session of the Sixty-seventh Idaho Legislature convenes.
What events occurred during the first week? We initiated our session by attending Governor Little's State of the State Address. You can access a transcript of his speech in the Senate Journal, or view the live recording HERE (starting at 59:30). You can read the Idaho Freedom Caucus' response to the State of the State Address HERE.
Committees in both chambers are actively preparing to review Routing Slip proposals, examine Bills, and scrutinize Rules and Regulations. The State Affairs Committees in both chambers are currently engaged in debates over the Library Bills. Representative Crane and Senator Carlson have reintroduced last year's Harmful Material in Libraries Bill (H384) in the House State Affairs, incorporating some changes with the hope of avoiding a veto from the Governor this time. Meanwhile, in the Senate State Affairs Committee, Senator Schroeder and Representative Dixon have introduced Bill (S1221) concerning the review of school library materials. Which bill will successfully navigate through both chambers and receive the Governor's signature? Is it possible for both to succeed? Stay tuned to find out.
Several other bills were introduced this week. For comprehensive and current information, this website is an excellent resource to help you stay informed.http://idahosession.com/
In the Senate, it is our responsibility to confirm Gubernatorial Appointments made by the Governor. To see his recommendations, you can click on each Senate Journal HERE. Your voice is important; if you have an opinion, whether in favor or against, this is an opportune time to let your Senator know.
The Joint Finance Appropriation Committee (JFAC) is implementing numerous positive changes to enhance transparency and accountability concerning your tax dollars. Senator Herndon is notably highlighting some critical issues in this process
Additionally, you may recall that last year, a whistleblower provided me with evidence of a $10 million misappropriation in the Department of Health and Welfare. Following audits and investigations, this figure has escalated to an estimated $71 million and is currently under criminal investigation. Furthermore, the Joint Finance Appropriation Committee (JFAC) will withhold funding for the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare's Division of Indirect Support Services unless the department addresses the malfeasance associated with Childcare Stabilization Block Grants.
Another highlight this week was our first Lincoln Ecclesia. Pastor Mark Bryan from Harvest Church delivered powerful encouragement drawn from the Word, making it a standout moment of my week. This event takes place every Tuesday at 6:30 P.M. Next week, we will be joined by Pastor Marty Yost from Mt. Heights Calvary Chapel.
A few more Highlights of my week.
Lastly a song from my Play list These days by Jeremy Camp “I believe that you and I Are in the right place at the right time God called us by name And He doesn’t make mistakes I know we were born to shine bright In a dark world that needed some light Don’t have to be afraid Maybe we were made For these day’s”.
My Website is updated, go give it a look. https://glenneda.com/
Thank you for your most excellent report, Senator. We greatly appreciate your work.
I am greatly hoping someone will introduce truly meaningful medical freedom legislation this session. You can find model bills, a constitutional amendment, and a medical liberty pledge in one convenient location: https://icanlegislate.org/ (see also https://eolson47.substack.com/p/take-the-pledge-for-medical-freedom)
Also, we need a bill stating that Idaho will resist any edicts from unelected bodies such as the UN, WHO, WEF, and others.
Finally, we must not fund illegal immigrants via state or federal taxes or grant them driving privileges or voting rights (legal immigration ONLT).