Week six has dragged on, feeling more like three months. So, what exactly has the Senate been occupied with? Well, last week alone, we deliberated on a total of six bills on the Senate floor, bringing our tally to 24 bills over the past six weeks. However, in the Agriculture Committee, no bill presentations have been made thus far. Similarly, in the Senate Health and Welfare Committee, we've only encountered 12 bill presentations. Below is a chart of total bills working through each chamber.
S1253 Children’s device protection A bill was presented and passed by Senator Cook. I did not vote for it because it requires manufacturers of smartphones and tablets to enable existing filters for Idaho's children. While I am fully in favor of protecting everyone, not just children, from pornography, I believe we should regulate porn providers and those who provide it through apps. I asked Senator Cook if another internet provider uploaded on the phone would still allow access to porn sites, to which he responded with a definitive "No." However, shortly after that exchange, I received an email, also sent to Senator Cook, stating the opposite. Did he deceive me?
S1245 Pesticides, adds to existing law to allow certain labels to satisfy any requirements for a warning regarding health or safety or any other provision or doctrine of state law. This was voted on in the Senate and failed 15-19 with 1 absent. There were lobbying efforts by Bayer to get this passed. I researched why it was so important for Bayer to have this law in Idaho. Bayer purchased Monsanto, and with that acquisition came all the lawsuits. They have spent 10.9 billion dollars on lawsuits to date. In the Insurance Journal "A three-judge panel of the Atlanta-based 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected Bayer’s argument that federal regulators’ approval of Roundup shielded the company from being sued under state law for failing to warn consumers of the product’s risks. Several other appeals courts had previously reached the same conclusion in similar lawsuits."
With the U.S. Circuit Court rejecting Bayer’s argument that federal regulators do not shield them from being sued under state law, it's clear they are looking out for their own best interest. I voted no because I am looking out for the best interests of individuals, which includes all agricultural industries' individual interests. There were arguments that this would harm our agriculture. I have to ask, how? This doesn't stop the sale of Roundup or its usage.
A few Sponsors in favor of passing S1245.
What is to come?
Representative Dale Hawkins and myself have been working on Senate Joint Memorial 8 (SJM8). This is a strongly worded memorial that will send a message to our Congressional Delegates that Idaho is VERY SERIOUS about protecting our nation and Idaho. I am confident that many will co-sponsor it in the Senate. There was a recent opinion in the Coeur d’Alene Press that shares the opinion of a few members of the Main Street Caucus supporting the Governor's decision to send ISP to Texas to help with border issues. I sent them an email asking if they would be willing to co-sponsor HJM8.
From the heart of the People’s Senator.
There are so many battlefronts at the Capitol. You have those battling for special corporate interests and agency interests versus those who are battling for individuals' interests. It is easy to see whose team each of us is on. You only have to follow the money, observe how we vote, and note who we are most comfortable around. For me, I am more comfortable around the people than I am around those who are lobbying for large corporations, and they are not comfortable around me. They actually avoid me if they can because they already know how I am going to vote.
As a Christian with a strong Biblical worldview, I understand the times we are in. 2 Timothy 3 and Matthew 24 are very clear in what we are to watch for. As I sit on my committees and walk the halls of the Capitol, it becomes more and more evident of the battles. It seems to be more about personalities than policy. People are worshipping the idol of government instead of worshipping the Creator of Government, GOD. God's people are neglecting their duty of taking care of the orphans, widows, sick, and hungry. We are okay with the government taking from those who work and giving to those who don't want to work. God is love, just, and merciful, but God also hates seven things: "There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies, and a person who stirs up conflict in the community." Proverbs 16.
So what will fix Idaho? What will fix our nation? What will fix our world? REPENTANCE, BELIEVING IN JESUS. When we repent, we will not need government ruling our lives because we will be relying on God, and He will guide and provide.
I sponsored Draycen Lamm to be a Senate Page for the first 6 weeks. He is such a wonderful young man, and I am proud of him, as I know his parents are. I believe God has big plans for him, and I am glad I was a part of his life journey.
City On Our Knees is my song of the week.
Prayer needs:
Protect our Health
Watch over our Families
Give us good sleep and rest
Protection over our hearts that they don’t grow cold from the lawlessness
For boldness and courage to expose corruption
Humbleness, Grace and Mercy
Confuse and create chaos of the devils schemes.
Repentant hearts
Saul to Paul transformations
Thank you Glenneda for trudging forward thru the thickness of battle! We appreciate you!
We appreciate you so much! Keep Fighting-it encourages others to fight too!