I have successfully completed the session, and I am honored to declare that throughout my two terms, I never missed a vote. You entrusted me with a responsibility, and I dedicated myself to fulfilling it to the best of my abilities. I worked diligently to embody the qualities of a Senator that I would desire representing me.
Some Bills that were presented and how districts 24, 25 and 26 voted.
H393 - Adds to existing law to provide for Idaho’s participation in the Interstate Counseling Compact. Sponsors: Dixon and Hartgen. Passed House, failed in Senate 17:18. YES: Burns, Clow, Dixon, Lanting, Miller, Nelsen, Hartgen, Taylor. NO: Zuiderveld.
H406 - Adds to existing law to provide for the crimes of trafficking in fentanyl and drug-induced homicide. YES: Clow, Dixon, Lanting, Miller, Nelsen, Hartgen, Taylor, Zuiderveld
H415 - 2A - Amends existing law to authorize a school employee who possesses an enhanced license to carry concealed weapons to carry on school property in certain instances. Passed H; held in Senate State Affairs. YES; Dixon, Miller. NO: Burns, Clow, Lanting, Nelsen. If it made it to the Senate I would have voted YES.
H417 - Adds to existing law to require state agencies to accept cash as a method of payment along with any other accepted methods of payment in certain instances and to prohibit state agencies from charging an additional fee for cash payment. NO- Burns, Dixon, Lanting, Nelsen YES - Hartgen, Zuiderveld, Taylor, Clow, Miller,
H464 - Adds to existing law to authorize the Governor to develop and execute an interstate compact for border security, to provide that congressional approval shall not be required, and to require certain provisions be included in an interstate compact. PASSED House; held in Senate State Affairs. YES: Clow, Miller NO: Burns, Dixon, Lanting, Nelsen. If it made it to the Senate I would have voted YES.
H470 - Adds to existing law to establish the Office of Election Crimes and Security within the Office of the Attorney General. Failed in House by 2 votes: 34 to 36: YES: Miller; NO: Burns, Clow, Dixon, Lanting, Nelsen. If it made it to the Senate I would have voted YES.
H493 - Adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding the prohibition of mask mandates. Passed House. Held in Senate State Affairs. YES - Clow, Miller; NO - (keep mandate): Dixon, Lanting, Nelsen, Burns. If it made it to the Senate I would have voted YES.
H538 - Adds to existing law to prohibit governmental entities in the State of Idaho from compelling employees and students to use certain titles and pronouns. YES: Clow, Dixon, Lanting, Miller, Nelsen, Zuiderveld. NO: Hartgen, Burns, Taylor. Waiting for Governors Signature or Veto.
H597 - Amends existing law to allow students of majority age(18) to submit a signed statement for exemption from immunizations requirements. Sponsor: Zuiderveld. YES - Burns, Clow, Lanting, Miller, Hartgen, Zuiderveld. NO: Dixon, Nelsen, Taylor. Governor signed into law.
H617 - Repeals existing law to remove the Syringe and Needle Exchange Act. YES: Clow, Dixon, Lanting, Miller, Nelsen, Hartgen, Zuiderveld. NO: Burns, Taylor
H633 - This legislation adds provisions regarding postpartum Medicaid coverage for women. by extending Medicaid eligibility for twelve (12) months for postpartum coverage to individuals who, while pregnant, are eligible for and receive Medicaid. Yes - Burns, Clow, Dixon, Lanting, Miller, Nelsen, Hartgen, Taylor. NO: Zuiderveld.
H685 - The Medicaid Budget Stabilization Fund sets up a place for unobligated general fund moneys remaining in the cooperative welfare funds to be deposited after reconciliation and statute distributions. YES - Clow, Dixon, Lanting, Miller, Nelsen, Burns, Taylor, Hartgen NO: Zuiderveld.
H710a - Amends and adds to existing law to prohibit certain materials from being promoted, given, or made available to a minor by a school or public library, to provide for a cause of action, to provide for damages, and to provide for injunctive relief. YES - Clow, Zuiderveld. NO: Burns, Dixon, Lanting, Miller, Nelsen, Hartgen, Taylor.
HJM11 - States findings of the Legislature and calls on Congress to impeach the President and to prioritize laws tightening border security and immigration. DIED in House on a 34-34 vote. YES: none . NO: Burns, Clow, Dixon, Lanting, Nelsen. Absent: Miller Sponsor: Zuiderveld
S1234 - Adds to existing law to provide that health benefit plans and student health benefit plans covering prescription contraception must provide reimbursement for a six-month supply except under certain circumstances. YES: Burns, Clow, Dixon, Lanting, Nelson, Hartgen, Taylor. NO: Zuiderveld. Absent: Miller.
S1314 - Amends existing law to provide that idle moneys may be invested in physical gold and silver in certain instances, to provide for storage of physical gold and silver, and to provide for a maximum allowed investment. YES; Zuiderveld, Miller. NO: Hartgen, Burns, Clow, Dixon, Lanting, Nelsen, Taylor
S1325 - This legislation safeguards freedom of speech and public participation by providing a mechanism to swiftly dismiss meritless lawsuits aimed at stifling public discourse. This legislation protects individuals and organizations from being targeted by Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs), ensuring that public engagement and expression, especially on matters of societal or community interest, are not hindered by legal intimidation tactics. Failed 15:20. YES: Zuiderveld. NO: Taylor, Hartgen
S1352 - Adds to existing law to provide that a counselor or therapist practicing in Idaho shall not be required to counsel a client in support of goals, outcomes, or behaviors that conflict with the sincerely held religious, moral, or ethical principles of the counselor or therapist. YES: Zuiderveld, Clow, Dixon, Lanting, Miller. NO: Hartgen, Taylor, Burns, Nelsen.
Make sure you honk when you see my Mobil signs. My Substack song, Freedom is my Anthem
I will return on Wednesday, April 10th, hoping that we will adjourn, allowing the Governor sufficient time to sign or veto pending legislation.
Now, the focus shifts to diligently working, with the aspiration that you will consider re-electing me to represent you. If you are interested in organizing a meet and greet, assisting with canvassing, or contributing financially, every effort is greatly appreciated and will aid in my campaign. You can visit Glenneda.com or email me at vote4glennedaz@gmail.com.
The Magic Valley Liberty Alliance has prepared a useful voter guide, which you can access online or request a paper copy from me. Click HERE to view online Voter guide.
Thank you for serving us faithfully and staying steadfast in as a follower of Christ. We are blessed to have you represent our District and you have my support for reelection!
The battle is real. Thank you for being a freedom warrior. I will continue to lift you up in prayer. God bless!