On this journey in the political realm, I have been mocked and accused of being a 'Christian Nationalist' or 'far-right alt-extremist,' offending people because I put Bible verses pretty much on everything. I use the terms 'mocked' and 'accused' because of the context of the emails or posts I have received during my time as a Senator. Personally, I think it is a compliment. I do this as a reminder of who I want to be; I want to be steadfast in love when this world can be difficult to love. I want my days to be filled with peace when this world is filled with war and anger. Proverbs 3:1-4 says, 'My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments. For length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you. Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man.' This verse is a great example of why I bind the verses around my neck and in my heart, and on everything, so that I may be successful in the sight of God and man. My success is your success.
I have quoted Esther 4:14, 'And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?' Thinking it was more of an encouragement from Mordecai, not realizing he was actually scolding her. A quote from a devotion I was reading says it best, 'When we look at the life of Esther throughout the book titled in her name, this phrase actually refers to Esther being scolded for her self-indulgent, self-preserving mindset. In today’s language, we might call that being 'shot down' for having narcissistic tendencies! Mordecai reproved Esther for living large and embracing royalty over righteousness — selfies over service. Through those telling words, he reminded her she had been chosen to set her own interests aside, let go of her ambitions, and face an enemy head-on.' For Devotion Click Here
God has given each of us talents, positions, gifts, and more. He has opened opportunities for us to optimize His kingdom's purposes. These purposes are not to harm, but to be gracious, merciful, and truthful. Leading people to repentance and to know Jesus.
Why am I sharing this? Because I believe we all need encouragement and hope in these times that Jesus warned us about. We are witnessing wars and rumors of wars (Matthew 24:6), nations rising against nations (Matthew 24:7), betrayal among each other (Matthew 24:10), false prophets leading many astray (Matthew 24:11), an abundance of lawlessness, and people's hearts growing cold and bitter (Matthew 24:12). Because I read Scripture, I am not surprised by what we are witnessing today and if I am going to endure (Matthew 24:13). I will continue to equip myself with Bible verses, not to offend anyone, but to be prepared for what we are about to endure.
As my devotion stated, 'He didn’t place you or me where we are so we could eat figs all day long or post pictures on social media. He placed us wherever we are because we are in the midst of a battle, a war. You and I are in the midst of a seismic conflict involving good versus evil.' If we think we can be in this conflict and handle it on our own, we are greatly deceived.
These are not times of hopelessness; we are not defeated. This is all going to happen just as we were told. No, it's not going to be easy; it is going to be exhausting, trying, and yes, it is even going to pain us. That is what happens when we are battling evil principalities (Ephesians 6:12). So, armor up (Ephesians 6:11), get ready (Ezekiel 38:7), be bold and courageous (Joshua 1:6), have hope (Romans 15:4), and be filled with peace (Romans 15:33).
How blessed we are that God has chosen us to be in this battle at this time!
And now you all know why I quote scripture, write it on everything, and discipline myself to be obedient, so that I may be successful in the sight of God and man. It is not to offend but to defend!
The truth? I will share some of mine: those who mock and deprave the few who actually live by a strength and guidance much greater than any I (nor they) can muster are missing the forest for the trees. What they mock is transparency (which is our best attempts at truth), what they honor and serve is secrecy (the false feeling of power); the evidence of which is in the support of this cabal of a Uni-party, of whom only the far left has no problem with exposing the evil inside them under the guise of virtue. There is nothing virtuous about supporting one in order to look down at another. Please keep exposing the secrets of the establishment, they won't do it on their own. Thank you for your service.