Are you a Warrior?
Since my last Substack post, I have been reflecting deeply on the characteristics of a warrior. In the wake of the attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump and the murder of Corey Comperatore, I believe we are living in times that demand each of us to possess the heart of a warrior.
What are some characteristics of a warrior? (Definitions are copied from Websters Dictionary 1828)
1. COURAGE: noun [Latin , the heart.] Bravery; intrepidity; that quality of mind which enables men to encounter danger and difficulties with firmness, or without fear or depression of spirits; valor; boldness; resolution. It is a constituent part of fortitude; but fortitude implies patience to bear continued suffering. Be strong and of good courage Deuteronomy 31:6.
2. STRENGTH: there must be either of love or war. Power of resisting attacks; fastness; as the strength of a castle or fort. Support; that which supports; that which supplies strength; security. God is our refuge and strength Psalms 46:1.
3. COMPASSION: noun, A suffering with another; painful sympathy; a sensation of sorrow excited by the distress or misfortunes of another; pity; commiseration. compassion is a mixed passion, compounded of love and sorrow; at least some portion of love generally attends the pain or regret, or is excited by it. Extreme distress of an enemy even changes enmity into at least temporary affection.He being full of compassion forgave their iniquity. Psalms 78:38.
4. DISCIPLINE, verb transitive, To instruct or educate; to inform the mind; to prepare by instructing in correct principles and habits; as, to discipline youth for a profession, or for future usefulness.
5. INTUITION, noun [Latin intuitus, intueor; in and tueor.] A looking on; a sight or view; but restricted to mental view or perception. Particularly and appropriately, the act by which the mind perceives the agreement or disagreement of two ideas, or the truth of things, immediately, or the moment they are presented, without the intervention of other ideas, or without reasoning and deduction.
6. INTEGRITY, noun [Latin integritas, from integer.] The entire, unimpaired state of any thing, particularly of the mind; moral soundness or purity; incorruptness; uprightness; honesty. integrity comprehends the whole moral character, but has a special reference to uprightness in mutual dealings, transfers of property, and agencies for others.
7. LOYALTY, noun Fidelity to a prince or sovereign, or to a husband or lover. He had such loyalty to the king as the law requires.
8. HONOR, noun on'or. [Latin honor honos.] The esteem due or paid to worth; high estimation. A prophet is not without honor except in his own country. Matthew 13:1.A testimony of esteem; any expression of respect or of high estimation by words or actions; as the honors of war; military honors; funeral honors; civil honors. Dignity; exalted rank or place; distinction.
9. CONFIDENCE, noun [Latin See Confide.] A trusting, or reliance; an assurance of mind or firm belief in the integrity, stability or veracity of another, or in the truth and reality of a fact. It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in man. Psalms 118:8.
10. LOVE, noun, love is excited by pleasing qualities of any kind, as by kindness, benevolence, charity, and by the qualities which render social intercourse agreeable. In the latter case, love is ardent friendship, or a strong attachment springing from good will and esteem, and the pleasure derived from the company, civilities and kindness of others. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Matthew 22:37.
With all of that in mind, I will share my journey to the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
We boarded the plane—my good friend Joan Hurlock, Twin Falls Precinct Committeeman, and I. As we boarded, we learned of the attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump. Thankfully, we had a live news feed on the plane. I knew immediately that we were going to experience an RNC like no other and witness a changed Donald J. Trump. I was not wrong.
I sensed a shared intensity and spirit—one of humbleness, thankfulness, and motivation—that awakened the warrior in all of us. We attended this RNC knowing it could have been completely different had God not protected Trump. Before I continue, let me clarify: Jesus is our Savior, and Trump is just a man whom I believe God has created for a time such as this.
Now, let’s focus on the Trump I witnessed. He arrived on Tuesday, the day after all the delegate votes came in for the Republican nomination, and stayed until the end. I had learned that it is normal for the nominee for president to show up only on the last day of the RNC to give their acceptance speech. This was a sign of humility and a longing to be with people who loved him in a brotherly fashion. We saw him react to speeches and comments. We saw him as just a father and grandfather, with his little granddaughter sitting on his lap and smiling as she realized she was on the Jumbotron.
This man had a music playlist; he loved music. He encouraged many because he saw abilities in them they didn’t see in themselves. He is a man who loves us so much that he is giving up everything for us. He is "of the people, by the people, for the people."
These events have awakened the warrior in all of us—well, at least they have awakened the warrior in me. Making America Great Again isn’t solely the duty or responsibility of one man, even a President. It is the duty and responsibility of each and every one of us. We, the people, are the ones God will use to heal our land, along with a strong leader. We only have to look at Joshua and the Battle of Jericho. God didn’t just send Joshua to march seven times around; He sent all the Israelites. And what made them follow Joshua in this battle? It was his faith in the vision God gave him and his obedience to follow God’s direction that encouraged them to engage in the battle.
It is time to gear up fully, preparing our minds, souls, and bodies. We can no longer be bystanders; it is time for us to embody the traits of a warrior. We are the answer we have been waiting for.
(My next Substack will by my opinion on the RNC platform)
I am undoubtedly of Warrior material! Thank you for your excellent penmanship!!!
Hello Glenneda
I just received this from a very solid source. Could you please look at this snd forward to whomever could find our if really true and how do we all stop this.
Thank you so much.
Sandi King