Are we witnessing the judgement of God?
As I reflect on 2023 and the influx of able-bodied people into America, my soul contemplates God's judgment on nations as mentioned in His Word, particularly when they reject Him and His statutes. There is a pattern: God consistently uses those who hate us to smite and rule over us.
Our Southern Boarder is not the only place we are being invaded.
….Our schools are being invaded with woke ideology.
….Our Health Care is being invaded by big pharma.
….Our media is being invaded with propaganda.
….Our Church’s are being invaded with complacency.
….Our Government is being invaded by godless leaders.
Read this quote “Often God judges a nation by giving them the executive leader they deserve. We see this in 1 Samuel 8-9 when Israel desired a king like the nations around them. God granted them their want, even though it dishonored God’s headship over the nation. God often gives a nation a leader that reflects its people’s rebellious wishes and carnal desires. In other words, one form of judgment is to grant a nation a leader who reflects the unethical ethos of the surrounding culture and society. We have seen this in America in the past several years with several past administrations. We often were left with leaders who reflected our nation’s anger, narcissism, deception, and unethical ethos. Indeed, our votes reflect the leadership we both desire and deserve!”
How will we stop this maraud? Here are 5 simple ways.
We must acknowledge our sin and our wickedness, for you cannot turn away from something until you understand what it is you are turning from
No more excuses and no more hoping that someone else will take action.
Stop avoiding your responsibilities and duties.
Don't take for granted the efforts of those who are working and fighting to preserve our freedoms while you engage in play and recreation.
It's time to engage, or we risk being enslaved! There's no more time for merely cheering from the sidelines!
I didn't say they were easy; I said they were simple. Freedoms have never been meant for the weak, lazy, or entitled
What is my prayer for 2024?
I pray that People who are called by Gods Name…
will repent from their wicked ways,
seek Gods face,
Put on their full battle rattle and engage in the fight.
If we do not act, expect to face God's judgment and an invasion by those who hate us.
I guess Idahoans were asleep when they voted for Brad Little. I wasn't living in Idaho then, but I would not have voted for the guy who was the former chairman of IACI! 2024 will be the year of Justice/judgment and exposure of what has been hidden. It will be interesting for sure.
I agree with Soo much of what you have said Glennrda. I think one of the best courses of action that we can take is to be the change we wish to see in our communities and our lives. Lead by example has always been one of my favorite quotes along with Actions speak louder than words. Thank you Soo much for the (mostly thankless?) work that you do for Idaho and this country as well. May God continue to guide, bless and protect you, no matter where life takes you.